dimecres, 19 d’octubre del 2011

QSL Overcomer Ministry, via Challenger Radio/IRRS

The Overcomer Ministry, via Challenger Radio / IRRS, Itàlia, 1368 KHz. Rebuda QSL sense demanar-la! Estrany cas: la gent d'IRRS em va enviar un correu preguntant-me com es rebia el seu senyal pels 1368 KHz. Vaig comprovar-ho i vaig enviar-los la informació (no un informe de recepció), però sembla que van passar la informació a Overcomer Ministry, els quals m'han enviat una QSL confirmant l'escolta via "Milano". Bé, em fa l'efecte que no saben molt bé des d'on emeten!

The Overcomer ministry, via Challenger Radio / IRRS, Italy, 1368 KHz. I got this QSL card but I never asked for it! A strange situation: people in IRRS sent me an e-mail some time ago asking about reception of their station on 1368 KHz. I checked it and sent the information (not exactly a reception report), but it seems that they sent the information to Overcomer Ministry, who have sent a QSL confirming my report via "Milano". Well, it seems that they don't known exactly where they broadcast from!

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