dimecres, 24 d’agost del 2011

MW/SW Logs 23 agost

  • 1251 KHz, 23.05, Radio 5 Nostalgia, music and identifications in Dutch. Very good signal (55444) because Voice of Africa from Lybia was switched off, probably due to the war.

  • 1269 KHz, 23.15, Deutschlandfunk, Neumünster, German, weather info in parallel to 756, 1422 and 6190 KHz. 23322

  • 9170 KHz, 22.55, CNR 6, Beijing, Chinese music, 24432

  • 9235 KHz, 22.53, Galei Tzahal, Hebrew, music, (//15850), 44343

  • 9290 Khz, 22.50, Radio Cairo, Abu Zaabal, Portuguese, news, 43333

  • 9665 KHz, 22.45, Radio Pridnestrovje, Kishinev, German programme, 44444

  • 9775 KHz, 22.40, CNR 2 Beijing, Chinese, music, 24442

  • 9830 KHz, 22.35, Voice of Turkey, Emirler, multilingual continuous identifications, 44343

  • 9925 KHz, 22.30, Voz de Croacia, Wertachtal, Spanish news, 55555

  • 9935 KHz, 22.25, Family Radio, Montsinery, Spanish, religious, 44343

  • 10000 KHz, 23.00, Observatorio Nacional, Brasil, Time Signal station, Portuguese, 23332

All times UTC

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