dijous, 3 de març del 2011

Nou programa de FRSH

A causa de les males condicions de propagació de diumenge passat, Free Radio Service Holland (FRSH) repetirà el seu últim programa aquest diumenge, 6 de març, a partir de les 07.52 UTC. El programa s'emetrà pels 6221 KHz i per una altra freqüència encara no fixada. Aquest és el missatge rebut de l'emissora:

Due to the rather weird propagation conditions last Sunday, FRS-Holland will repeat he final & 3rd FRS 30th Anniversary broadcast next Sunday March 6th 2011. Next Sunday March 6th we will feature the period 1998- 2010. Mind you: we will once again kick off at already 07.52 UTC=08.52 CET. On an alternative 48 mb frequency, the final hour will be repeated plus an additional hour. Frequency is yet unknown.
We are understandably curious to receive your letters and mails. That's very important for us and that's the only way in which you can show your respect and interest. So far we are happy with last Sunday's response.
All Anniversary mail will be handled in the upcoming period. Be sure: all correct reports will be verified and all letters answered.

Here's the schedule:
07.52- 14.00 UTC 6221 kHz
09.00- 11.00 UTC 48 metres

Webstream: the stream will be on between 14.52- 21.00 UTC.

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